Memo from the Propaganda Underground, ctd

Dr. Dobson has just raised the stakes. He said a few weeks ago that legalization of same-sex marriage could lead to civil war but, thinking it over, he has decided that it’s worse than that: Legalization of same-sex marriage could lead to the collapse of the whole of Western Civilization itself!!

In late June or early July, the justices will reveal their decision to either affirm the definition of marriage as being exclusively between one man and one woman, or it will redefine this institution to include same-sex unions. If marriage is to be reconfigured in the law, which court-watchers predict is almost certain, every dimension of the culture will be adversely affected. It will be one of the most momentous rulings in U.S. history, tantamount to the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973.

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I do not recall a time when the institutions of marriage and the family have faced such peril, or when the forces arrayed against them were more formidable or determined. Barring a miracle, the family that has existed since antiquity will likely crumble, presaging the fall of Western civilization itself. This is a time for concerted prayer, divine wisdom and greater courage than we have ever been called upon to exercise.

But, of course, there have been same-sex couples since antiquity. There obviously were same-sex couples when somebody-or-other was busy writing Leviticus. According to Plato, there were same-sex couples around as Socrates laid the groundwork for the whole of Western ethical thought. There were probably same-sex couples in the mob that chose Barrabas over Jesus, and same-sex couples who mourned Jesus’ crucifixion. There certainly were same-sex couples amongst the remote and forlorn monks who saved Western literature and thought after its collapse following the rise of the Roman Church at the end of the 4th-century, and there were same-sex couples as the Renaissance rediscovered Epicurus and Western civilization staggered back to its feet. There were same-sex couples spurring the Enlightenment.

None of that could have happened if they hadn’t been in the closet? Really?

Why does anybody take these yahoos seriously?

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