Say ‘hello’ to Carly

David Corn profiles the would-be Republican nominee for President.

On Monday morning, Carly Fiorina, a former CEO of Hewlett-Packard and a failed 2010 Senate candidate, announced that she too is running for the GOP presidential nomination. “I think I’m the best person for the job because I understand how the economy actually works,” she said on Good Morning America. “I understand the world; who’s in it.” Not coincidentally, she has a new book coming out this week.

Fiorina’s sole claim to president-ish experience is her tenure at HP, and that stint was marked by layoffs, outsourcing, conflict, and controversy—so much so that several prominent former HP colleagues recoil at the idea of Fiorina managing any enterprise again, let alone the executive branch.

I can’t imagine her winning the general election, but I bet the Republican establishment adores her.

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