SBC: Another year of decline

Once again, several major indexes are down. In 2016 …

  • Membership declined

  • Baptisms declined

  • Weekly attendance declined

  • Giving declined

You know what’s up? The number of Southern Baptist churches — which means more pastors are competing with each other for a steadily declining pool of believers.

I suppose that lots of pastors will arrive in Phoenix with upset tummies, but the rest of us should consider this good news: Their influence, their ability to direct votes, the number of children misshapen by the drumbeat that they’re no damn good, the number of marriages deformed by the teaching that pleasing an Invisible Friend is more important than wedding vows … all down, and likely to continue going down.

Hell — who knows? I may live long enough to see Albert the Pious become the figure of public ridicule that he ought to be, instead of a smarmy nuisance who is treated with undeserved respect.

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