Theresa May’s blunder

As just about everyone knows by now, British Prime Minister Theresa May called an election years earlier than necessary — and unexpectedly lost her majority in Parliament.

Prime Minister Theresa May looks like she’s lost her government majority in the UK election, according to the official exit poll. A hung parliament — where there is no overall winner — would make a huge difference to Brexit. Here’s what might happen, depending on the final results:

A disaster for the PM, because she has thrown away the first Conservative majority government for 18 years after just two.

Since reaction worldwide — in the West as well as in the Muslim states — is fueled chiefly by the accelerating decline of the Abrahamic faiths, I think the long view is that this is a good thing; nothing good can happen when the backward-looking are in the driver’s seat.

But how did an experienced politician make such a blunder? I’m not privy to her thoughts and am only thinking out loud, but I’m inclined to speculate that she looked across the Atlantic and could see that the so-called ‘conservatism’ of Donald Trump is wildly unpopular and she decided to firm-up her grip on office before the tide has fully receded.


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