How long will Trump last?

History doesn’t really repeat itself — at least not exactly — but me and a lot of other people thought immediately of Richard Nixon’s infamous Saturday Night Massacre on hearing the news that The Donald had fired James Comey. The Saturday Night Massacre was when Nixon fired Archibald Cox, the special prosecutor investigating Watergate. Elliott Richardson famously refused to carry-out the order to fire Cox, instead resigning, and then William Ruckelshaus refused to carry-out the order to fire Cox, also resigning. Ultimately, the order to fire Cox was carried-out by none other than Robert Bork.

Really, as I’ve written many times over the past few months, Trump’s Russiagate parallels to Watergate are downright eerie at times. The greatest difference is that 24-hour news, and the Internet, have compressed the time scale, hastening the disintegration. Trump will not last his full term in office; I expect him to be gone within a year.

What do you think?

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