Killing expertise

What do you know? Now that the EPA has dismissed about half of its science advisory board, and the Department of the Interior is suspending its advisory panels, it appears that Ivanka Trump will be in charge of assessing scientific thought.

Ivanka Trump to review climate change as US mulls Paris pullout

Ivanka Trump will head a review of US climate change policy even as President Donald Trump considers pulling the US out of a global emissions-cutting deal.

The United States says it it will continue attending United Nations climate change meetings next week in Bonn, Germany next week, but Trump’s advisers will meet Tuesday to discuss what to do about the global pact known as the Paris agreement, officials said.

This will be gratifying to ignoramuses who think their opinions are just as good as that of educated smartypants’ who have done the hard work of understanding these issues — but the rest of us should be alarmed.

Even if we grant that Ivanka is the smartest one of that pack of buffoons now running the country — and, in fact, that seems to be the case — the fact remains that science and engineering know-how don’t come easily; it takes thousands of hours of hard, disciplined study to master a technical field.

Just because we all have a right to an opinion doesn’t mean that all opinions are equally valuable.

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