You-can’t-make-this-stuff-up department

Pope Francis is talking a good game, but the official position of the Vatican remains that Bishops do not have a duty to report sexual abuse to police.

Catholic bishops not obliged to report clerical child abuse, Vatican says

The Catholic church is telling newly appointed bishops that it is “not necessarily” their duty to report accusations of clerical child abuse and that only victims or their families should make the decision to report abuse to police.

As St. Paul instructs, they are “in the world, but not of the world.”

To imagine themselves outside the rules of society, accountable to only the pleasure of an invisible phantasm, is the behavior of a cult — which is exactly what the first century church was, and what the canonical gospels urge. Practically, the Pious are mentally ill, as sick and deluded as the morons who followed David Koresh and Jim Jones, who today follow Warren Jeffs and the charismatic preacher in your town. They are not stable adults competent to live in the real world.

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