Memo from the Propaganda Underground, ctd

It is no longer President Obama who has been detailed to bring on the reign of the Antichrist!! No!! It’s … Beyonce!!

Rios, the American Family Association’s director of government affairs who broadcasts on the group’s American Family Radio network, said Beyoncé “has become just more and more hard, hard, hard and crass, crass, crass.”

“This video that they have produced and released just before the Super Bowl, I guess the song she performed, it’s called ‘Formation,’ I watched it, it’s just disgusting to me,” Rios said. “It’s not only stoking the fires of racism, just stoking hatred, black hatred towards whites and towards policemen, it’s also just crass sexually. It’s like you need a bath. What is this beautiful girl doing, doing this?”

[ … ]

“Of course, if we undermine the law and order of our country, we will, and probably are, descending into lawlessness, and those of us that understand scripture know that that is a sign of the Last Days,” she said. “The Man of Lawlessness will reign. Lawlessness, the breakdown in respect and honor. And so Beyoncé, who could be such an example to women everywhere, and I don’t care black or white, conducting herself with dignity with all that God has given her, her beauty and her natural talents, instead twisting it into something that is very ugly and very profane.”

Damn. I mean, I’m going to start paying attention to football now that I know the games are the venue for delivering special cosmic messages. Truly, His Ways are Mysterious.

The other possibility, I guess, is that Rios’ audience is incomprehensibly stupid and will believe anything.

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