Satan stalks the land

Over at Renew America, Rev. Austin Miles has just published a screed so deranged that it defies mockery.

Assisting Satan mightily is the individual currently occupying the Oval Office illegally. He is the most anti-Christian, anti Morality, Anti-Family, anti-America and anti-life “president” in the history of The United States of America. I put quotes on the word “president” because he is NOT the president of the U.S., not even a U.S. citizen having been born and raised Muslim in Kenya and groomed and sponsored by the Communist Party USA (CPUSA). He was PLACED in the Oval Office by massive voter fraud which has been documented in many stories. He was NOT voted in.

He is such a fanatic for killing babies, who are capable of living outside the womb, that he has even ordered that pregnant illegal alien children who cross the border must be referred to Planned Parenthood by any churches or charity organizations they turn to for help.

Yes, churches must cooperate to see inconvenient babies murdered. Indeed, have you heard the latest? Now hold on to your seats. It has been reported that Obama has made plans to change the president’s photo on the $50.00 bill to a photo of, now get this, Margaret Sanger, the matriarch of abortion, coming to a bank near you.

There is a lot of sickness out there.

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