Memo from the Propaganda Underground, ctd

The Southern Baptists are some kind of indignant that those wicked e-vo-lu-shion-ists are making war on — GASP! — academic freedom!

Evolutionists kill academic freedom bills

Lawmakers in four states tried this year to introduce academic freedom bills to protect teachers for questioning theories like Darwinism, shielding them from discipline, demotion or termination. But opponents killed the bills before they could get a fair hearing, raising concerns among educators who might not fully embrace the theory of evolution.

“There are a number of incidents around the country where teachers have been threatened or fired,” said Casey Luskin, research coordinator for the Discovery Institute’s Center for Science & Culture. “They simply cited some of the problems with Darwinism.”

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But science is never settled. Discoveries beget questions that research and more discoveries answer in a continuing quest for knowledge.

This is disingenuous, at best. The reality of evolution is settled, and has been settled for more than 100-years; these ignorant yahoos just want to keep talking about it because they can’t grow-up and face the reality that their childish metaphysics are nonsense.

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