Old Testament-world, ctd

An Afghan woman, forced to marry against her will, has been stoned for fleeing her town with a different man.

The men surround the woman as she stands in a hole dug into the stony ground, only her head pokes above the surface. Then they begin to pick up rocks and hurl them at her again and again from close range.

Her agonized cries grow louder as the barrage of stones intensifies.

The barbaric killing took place in a Taliban-controlled village in central Afghanistan last week, according to the provincial governor. Video of it, apparently filmed on a cell phone, has circulated on social media.

The 19-year-old woman …

Two thoughts: First, good for CNN for using an inflammatory adjective like “barbaric” and, second, wouldn’t you think the Creator Of The Whole Big Universe could deal with that girl in His own sweet time without help from a bunch of savages? Seriously: The more I see of that god Abraham was so proud of, the more I think you’ve got to be a seriously twisted and deformed human being to worship it.

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