Tweet of the day

Good for President Obama; a finger in the eye is exactly what those yahoos deserve.

If you don’t already know the story, a Muslim kid down in Texas built a clock at home and brought it to school as part of a science project. Just so’s you know, he was wearing a NASA t-shirt, which faculty swiftly discerned was merely a clever ploy to misdirect.

Lights, sirens, half-a-dozen burly cops because — HEY! — when a moozlim shows-up with an electronic thingy in his backpack, it can mean only one thing: ISIS has arrived to wreak medieval vengeance on the good, decent, godly people of Texas.

The kid was arrested and led out of the building in handcuffs. I hope he take the Prez up on his offer and, once again, good for him for making it. I hope, too, he sticks with science and gets out of the numbskull south just as quick as he can.

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