Be true to your cult, ctd

A seminary professor undertakes to explain the difference between Ten Commandments and the Bill of Rights. It’s tedious and his point is not at all obvious, so I just want to draw your attention to this one passage:

Many have sought to divide the commandments into two categories: those centered on God and those centered on others. Love God and love your neighbor. This impulse is a helpful one. Let us take this idea one step further. What would the commandments be if we were to propose positive statements of the ten principles? We might find something like the following:

Love God through recognizing that:

  1. He has the right to exclusive allegiance;

  2. et cetera

  3. et cetera

  4. et cetera

Sigh. There it is, right up front: In all matters, the Invisible Wizard has first claim. And who is the local expert on what would please the Invisible Wizard? Your pastor. There is probably no Holy Man in all of Christendom who would object to that teaching, but … bullshit. That is the teaching of the cult, and it deserves only contempt.

I give the final word to Christopher Hitchens.

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