A brand gone bad

What do you know? Just as I was sitting here marshaling the arguments against the prospect of a gag-me-with-a-spoon Huckabee presidency, Michael Hamar was pointing toward a WSJ/NBC poll which finds that Americans are far more comfortable with the idea of a LGBT presidential candidate than an evangelical candidate.

More Americans are more comfortable with a gay presidential candidate than they are with an evangelical Christian candidate. Talk about an indictment of what the Christofascists have done to destroy the Christian brand! Personally, I hope the trend continues …

Yes, the brand has gone bad. Not only have science and Biblical scholarship dispositively established that the Abrahamic narratives are false, the ‘nones,’ ‘dones,’ and sundry skeptics have left church, rejecting outright the cultural Christianity that tended to tamp-down the extremists.

In other words, there is hardly anybody left in church but the loonies who actually believe all that crazy stuff; the wackos have concentrated, that is, and you’ve got to be blind to not see the nuttery and degradation at the bottom of Christian thought. It’s just as I’ve said about a bazillion times: Most people have too much sense and decency to be good Christians; it’s the ones who don’t that you have to watch.

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