Dismal theology-related tweet for the day

The link goes to a modern version of C.S. Lewis’ The Screwtape Letters, where an older Demon advises a young Demon that the best way to steer a young man away from Jesus is to introduce him to a non-believing woman.

Globdrop, get him to “fall for her” and they shall both fall to us. Unlike their delightful romance movies, his kiss cannot rouse her from her sleep. In real life, kissing corpses causes Prince Charming to become one. The Enemy told them to leave the dead to date the dead. He told them not to be bonded with one of ours. We are less intolerant. Let them hold hands together, fall in love, and stare deeply into each other’s eyes as we slowly lower the coffin.

Now, to avoid making another dreadful mistake, follow my instructions to the letter.

The first thing to do in this matter is to lure him in with her lostness. Few things rouse the evangelistic zeal in the youthful vermin like romantic interest. Do not despise this outright. Here — and only here — allow your man to care about her soul. “Flirt to convert” they call it. It works out brilliantly. He justifies enmeshing his heart to hers and crossing the Enemy’s boundaries because he means to save her. Allow this Noah to jump from his ark to rescue the girl. Most who go overboard never return.

The message, in other words, is don’t date outside the faith.

You would think — Wouldn’t you? — that Eternal Truth could withstand association with people outside the cult? That logic and reason would lead to Eternal Truth, not away? That blaspheming Eternal Truth would be laughable? They’ll deny it, and stamp their feet, and get red in the face, but the Pious know their storyline doesn’t stand up; that’s why they need the protection of stuffing in their ears.

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