Quote for the day

The biggest scandal of all, however, is not even the corruption of the Trump administration. It’s the inaction of Congress.

The founders were well aware that the government they were creating could end up with corrupt or unethical leaders, all the way up to the president. That’s why the Constitution gives Congress tremendous power to investigate and even remove officials in the executive branch.

Yet the current congressional leaders — the Republican leaders — have refused to do so. They have shirked their duty to act as a check on the president and his appointees. They have instead defended Trump and made excuses on his behalf. They have enabled the most corrupt administration of our lifetimes.

David Leonhardt, New York Times

This is why I urge voting for the annihilation of the Republican Party next Tuesday, voting for its complete, utter, irrevocable destruction, voting for its disappearance into obscure footnotes in grade school history books, like the Bull Moose Party.

None of which is to say that I am opposed to a conservative party; I am a conservative myself. The Republican Party is not a conservative party, however; it has degenerated into a pack of nihilist vandals. The two most plausible candidates to lead a revived conservatism are John Kasich and Jeb Bush1. I know. Both men support policies with which I disagree, too. But both are pragmatists and, more importantly, neither is blinking-neon crazy.

On the Right, nowadays, that’s saying something.

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1 I once thought Lindsey Graham belonged on that list — but what a submissive and craven character he has turned out to be!

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