Bernie Sanders throws his hat in the ring

Bernie Sanders is now formally a candidate for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination.

Promising to fight what he deems “obscene levels” of income disparity and a campaign finance system that is a “real disgrace,” independent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders said Wednesday he will run for president as a Democrat.

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The self-described “democratic socialist” enters the race as a robust liberal alternative to Hillary Rodham Clinton, and he pledged to do more than simply raise progressive issues or nudge the former secretary of state to the left in a campaign in which she is heavily favored.

This is fun. Sanders has no more chance of winning the nomination than Eugene McCarthy had in 1968 but, pressed from the Left by both Elizabeth Warren and himself, Hillary Clinton will be forced off her hack clichés and toward some honest-to-God attention to a middle class ravaged by the rise of a new oligarchy.

It is at least conceivable that, for the first time in decades, we’ll have a real choice on Election Day.

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