Stifling my gag-reflex

Perhaps I have an overly-sensitive gag-reflex, but Republicans’ pious indignation at that anonymous New York Times editorial — That coward should have come and told us about the problems! — is triggering it like a semi-automatic.

  • Did Republicans care about Trump’s cynical misuse and torment of the DACA kids?

  • Did Republicans care about the separation of families at the border?

  • Do Republicans care about Trump’s sustained and relentless attacks against the Justice Department?

  • Do Republicans care about the relentless attacks against the FBI?

  • Do Republicans care about the relentless attacks against our intelligence agencies?

  • Do Republicans care that Trump condemned the prosecution of Congressmen because it may affect party balance in the House of Representatives?

  • Do Republicans care that Trump cozies-up to tyrants and attacks this country’s oldest friends?

  • Do Republicans care about Kevin Nunes’ blatant crippling of the House Intelligence Committee?

No. No, no, no, no, no, no, and … no.

So I’m thinking that Anonymous probably has no confidence that Congress will honor its plain obligations, and is looking toward the American people to force Congress to do its duty.

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