Failures of character

We all know by now that Trump-aide Omarosa Manigault Newman recorded her firing by Chief-of-Staff John Kelly in the White House Situation Room, and today we learn that the next day she recorded a conversation with the Buffoon-in-Chief. He commiserates, claiming he knew nothing about the firing and adds, “I don’t love you leaving at all.”

Today, there are these tweets:

OK — Trump talks out of both sides of his mouth, is incapable of meaningful friendships, will say anything. We all knew that; the White House is occupied by an amoral whore.

But did you know that a low-level flunky can carry a recorder into the Situation Room, the “safe” room for dealing with national crises, and walk out with a recording that can be e-mailed to anybody in the world, or stolen by any country’s intelligence agencies? I sure didn’t.

“Gentlemen do not read each others’ mail.”

Allen Dulles

It seems that there is a rule that phones and other electronics aren’t carried into the Situation Room, and a box where they are to be left behind, but there is no surveillance to verify compliance. To put the point a bit differently, if you work in the White House you are assumed to be an honorable grown-up who can be trusted to conduct yourself responsibly. What is more, there is no federal law against surreptitiously recording conversations in the White House, or with the federal government’s officers.


A lot of public sector employment is nothing but pity-gigs; we all know that. Large state bureaucracies, such as DOTs, are especially notorious dumping grounds for idiot nieces and sons-in-law. If Trump had asked the Department of the Interior if it could find a job for a friend, perhaps leading fungus walks at a remote national forest in northern Idaho, or work writing press releases for an obscure national park in North Dakota … well, that’s swampy allright, but the way things work and nobody would actually care.

But when the president is a sleaze with no sense of honor or responsibility, no sense of anything but opportunities for self-aggrandizement … birds of a feather, and all that. In the event it appears, so far, that no harm has been done. But what a pointer toward the recklessness of Donald Trump.

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