Tweet for the day

I discussed REVOICE here:

Revoice is a model of what Christian thought is evolving toward, no matter how anxious that makes such as the Southern Baptists. It won’t save Christianity, because Christianity is untrue, but we should all hope it helps to mitigate the Pious’ indecent intrusions into the lives of others.

This is the beginning of the end for such as Albert Mohler, Franklin Grahaam … that whole complex of smug, oily Holy Men whose influence rests upon ignorance and fear.

It will go slowly, though. Consider this response to the tweet reproduced above.

Syncretism is the merging together of multiple ideologies — and all religions, no exceptions, have syncretism in their history. There is no such thing as an authentic Christianity, or an authentic Judaism, or an authentic Mormonism, or an authentic anything else.

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