Quote for the day

Which brings me back to Schwarzenegger’s question — “What’s the matter with you?” It applies not just to the president but also all the people enabling him. Why do they so freely sacrifice their own reputations and their own integrity to defend a man with no integrity, a man who would sell each and every one of them down the river the second he decided it was in his interest? It is inexplicable to me.

At least Stormy Daniels got paid.

Thomas Friedman

Just so: I grew up Republican, but the last time I felt able to vote Republican was 2004 — and I had to hold my nose. I never imagined that the party of luminaries like Teddy Roosevelt and Dwight Eisenhower would someday be servile and craven before a tarted-up carnival barker like The Donald.

I suspect that what has happened to the Republican Party is what has happened to a great many Southern Baptist churches — the sane people have left, and only the crazies remain; there is no large, sensible middle to inhibit their lunatic impulses. If you’ve never read it, this would be a good time to pickup a copy of Eric Hoffer’s The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements.

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