Needful distinctions

An array of people have weighed-in on Sarah Sanders’ removal from a Lexington, Virginia restaurant last Friday evening, and much of the commentary — left and right — fails to recognize a needful distinction.

The restaurant’s refusal to serve Sanders was NOT just like refusing to bake a cake for a same-sex marriage.

Gays are born gay; that is an all-but-settled fact. Sexual orientation is not so easy to see as skin color, but it is no less innate, and discriminating against gays is punishing people for something they can’t control — just like discriminating against black people.

The restaurant discriminated against Sarah Sanders because she is a rotten human being who lies for a living, who is mean-spirited even as she flaunts her piety, who insults people who expect her to conduct herself professionally — and those things go to character and are under Sanders’ control. Sarah Sanders hasn’t any business amongst decent people, and it’s a good thing that the excesses of the ongoing national embarrassment of the Trump administration has people willing at too-long last to treat figures like Sanders with the contempt they deserve instead of as celebrities.

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