Jesus and the minimum wage

A guy who identifies himself as Dr. Don Boys instructs the Faithful that Jesus would certainly have disapproved of minimum wage laws.

Christ would not vote to increase the minimum wage, not because He does not want higher wages for everyone but because He taught true fairness. Moreover, it is not government’s prerogative to require social and economic equality only equal opportunity. He would not, yea could not, act contrary to what He has said and what the Scripture requires. The Scripture strongly supports proper authority, ownership, contracts, treaties, pledges, etc.

Dr. Boys, y’all should know, claims to have earned his Ph.D. at Heritage Baptist University.

According to this site [See update below], a school called Heritage Baptist College does-business-as Heritage Baptist University in Greenwood, Indiana; I am unable to find any other school by that name. But-but-but — that school’s mailing address is Franklin, Indiana, and it doesn’t offer Ph.D. degrees.

The school’s directory lists only six faculty members.

So I’m guessing Dr. Boys is one of those all-too-common types in the evangelical world: A fake with a doctorate to match. I should add that I don’t think a bona fide doctorate in Godliness counts for much, either, but I do have a problem with bona fide liars.

As it happens, I think ol’ Dr. Boys might have accidentally gotten it right.

The Jesus Movement began in the underclass, amongst the dispossessed losers. It wouldn’t have been in Jesus’ interest, as an ambitious cult-builder, that his followers end their hand-to-mouth existence; they might have begun developing ambitions for this world, instead of the next.

And didn’t He tell his followers to sell everything they own, and give the money to the poor(er)? According to the Inerrant Bible, He did.

And didn’t He tell his followers that the End was nigh, and they’d all be living in a mansion elsewhere any ol’ day now? According to the Inerrant Bible, He did.

And didn’t He tell his followers to give no thought for the morrow? According to the Inerrant Bible, He did.

So even on a charitable reading — pretending, I mean, that the Bible is actually true — Jesus doesn’t come across as a forward-looking, thinking-ahead kind of guy who would have wanted his followers preoccupied with a livable wage.

UPDATE:   There appear to be multiple schools with similar names in the area, all of them somehow affiliated. It is Indiana Baptist College which also does business as Heritage Baptist University. Indiana Baptist College, d.b.a. Heritage Baptist University, is in the process of developing a Ph.D. degree program, according to its Web site. It does not presently offer the Ph.D.

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