Be true to your cult, ctd

The parents of two girls who allege a pastor sexually abused them gave court testimony yesterday that they don’t believe their daughters.

On Wednesday, church teacher Karen Hartman, a medical technologist, said her daughter, Jessica Watson, never complained –- even when asked during childhood – about being uncomfortable around Sperou. So an allegation brought to light later by her daughter doesn’t ring true, she said.

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Later Wednesday, Assistant Pastor Greg Kirchem, a chiropractor, told the jury he and his wife, Cindy, met with daughter, Jennifer Olajuyin, at a restaurant in 2011 to discuss family finances. He said his daughter complained that they didn’t provide enough financial support.

He also dismissed her allegations against Sperou, whom he described as a friend and mentor.

“My reaction was, ‘Don’t try to come up with something as a reason for blaming other people for your circumstances,'” Kirchem said.

Seven separate women have stepped forward to make similar allegations. One woman might be dismissed as hysterical or making-up stuff, perhaps even two — but seven? Seriously? And these parents are so confidant their daughters are making-it-up that they will actually go into court and publicly disparage and humiliate them?

I say again: The typical congregation’s response to the sexual abuse of its own children is all the grounds you need to reject unconditionally the claim that religious faith makes people moral. It does not. It makes them oblivious fools.

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