No apology for Sanders


Comedienne Michelle Wolf delivered a monologue at last evening’s WHCA dinner that savaged, especially, Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Sanders, as everyone who pays attention knows perfectly well, doesn’t merely spin or shade things; she lies. That is, she knowingly says untrue things and tries to pass them off as reality.

It isn’t very funny and, when it is, it is so in only the narrow I-can’t-decide-whether-to-laugh-or-cry sense. The reason this doesn’t work is that, like her boss, Sanders actually is a brazen and shameless liar and, once again like her boss, she immediately attacks the character of anybody who calls her on the lies. It’s like trying to make fun of a pus-soaked bandage; how do you do it?

Granted, her father is both a preacher and a politician, so she wasn’t raised with a good character role-model to hand. But that’s her problem, and there is no good reason why it should be our problem.

So … my vote is for no apology. She is a liar, and she had it coming. She’s lucky, in my judgment, that she can walk in the public streets without passersby throwing empty bottles at her.

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