Dismal theology-related quote for the day

A secular foundation ultimately for grounding human rights and human dignity is no more possible in the United States than in Europe.

Albert Mohler

This is the sort of imbecilic thing the Pious say now and then that makes me wonder, Do they ever listen to themselves? Do they even have thoughts?

The answer, I am increasingly certain, is … No.

Albert Mohler says secularism — government without religion — cannot provide a basis for human rights and dignity? Seriously? This odious man whose life is devoted to the teaching You’re no damn good, you can never be any damn good, and the only way to avoid the eternity of punishment you deserve is to join my club sincerely believes this secular-by-design country has no basis for believing in human rights and dignity?

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Jefferson and the majority of the other Founders were Deists; they rejected the Christian god, believing in a Creator who built and wound-up the clock and then walked away.

According to the Founders, the bald fact that you are a living human being entitles you to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness — it’s self-evident, and no Jesus is required. Note that, and understand the implication of it: The Christianity of such as Albert the Pious is hostile at the very root to American ideals.

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