What is marriage about?

I’ve insisted for years that, if you listen closely and think carefully, you can’t avoid the conclusion that Christian teaching endorses animal husbandry but is hostile to marriage — that is, to the idea that marriage has something to do with two people building satisfying lives together. Now comes a collection of state affiliates of Focus on the Family to argue exactly that in a brief filed with the Supreme Court in the upcoming same-sex marriage case.

Redefining marriage, moreover, would seriously erode the existing marital norm that encourages gender-diverse parenting. By itself, the fact that marriage is defined as the union of a man and a woman makes clear to society that marriage is really about procreation and children, and that it is expected to carry with it both a masculine and a feminine aspect.

Just so’s you know, the theological reason that marriage has nothing to do with two people working and cooperating together toward building the lives they want is that self-direction is a presumption upon the absolute sovereignty of the Invisible Wizard, who has a Mysterious Plan and will tell you what you want.

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