Texas jury wickedly defies you-know-who

A Texas judge interrupted jury deliberations to tell them that God had told him that the defendant is innocent of the charges against her.

A state district judge in Comal County said God told him to intervene in jury deliberations to sway jurors to return a not guilty verdict in the trial of a Buda woman accused of trafficking a teen girl for sex.

Wickedy, impudently, impiously, the jury went right ahead and convicted the defendant of trafficking anyway.

The jury went against the judge’s wishes, finding Gloria Romero-Perez guilty of continuous trafficking of a person and later sentenced her to 25 years in prison.

As everyone know, you don’t flout the will of Our Invisible Friend without consequence, though they are almost always visited upon the blameless, and at great remove. I don’t have a pipeline to the Cosmic Mind, or anything, but if I lived in North Dakota I’d buy myself a hardhat and start making tornado preparations.

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