The Will to Power

Book Two: A Criticism of the Highest Values That Have Prevailed Hitherto
II: Criticism of Morality

§274   Whose will to power is morality? The common factor of all European history since the time of Socrates is the attempt to make moral values dominate all other values — in order that they should not be only the leader and judge of life, but also of: (1) knowledge, (2) Art, (3) political and social aspirations. “Improvement” the only duty, everything else used as a means to it (or as a force disturbing, hindering and endangering its realisation and therefore to be opposed and annihilated –). A similar movement in China and India.

What is the meaning of this will to power on the part of moral values which has developed so prodigiously?

Answer: Three powers lie concealed behind it: (1) The instinct of the herd opposed to the strong and the independent; (2) the instinct of all sufferers and all abortions opposed to the happy and well-constituted; (3) the instinct of the mediocre as opposed to the exceptions. Enormous advantage of this movement, despite the cruelty, falseness and narrow-mindedness which has helped it along (for the history of the struggle of morality with the fundamental instincts of life is in itself the greatest piece of immorality that has ever yet been witnessed on earth –).

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