Jones’ win

The upset defeat of Roy Moore by Doug Jones has immediate consequences across a broad range of affairs.

  • The balance of power in the Senate — in more ways than one. Not only has the allocation of seats changed, but Republican indulgence of Trump will come to an end. One-third of the Senate, and all of the House, face reelection next year — and they aren’t going to want to be seen as close to Trump. When Alabama rejects a Republican, the party is on thin and cracking ice.

    Expect a sharp uptick in Republican willingness to criticize Trump.

  • It was clear last week that Trump and his lackeys were trying to manufacture a casus belli to justify firing Mueller and, if Moore had won, Trump could have been confidant that there would be no lasting consequence. Now, as House and Senate Republicans try to put some distance between themselves and Trump, Mueller is probably safe.

  • Republican control of both the House and Senate are imperiled; voters aren’t going to forget the past year of relentless chaos and mean-spiritedness, or how casually the Republicans went along with it.

  • If evangelicals can’t be counted upon to deliver the votes, nobody is going to return those idiots’ phone calls.

    Nobody cares.

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