The Art of the Big Lie, ctd

O wad some Pow’r the giftie gie us,
To see oursels as ithers see us!

Robert Burns

What do you know? The Environmental Protection Agency has scrubbed its Website free of mentions of climate change.

The Environmental Protection Agency has removed dozens of online resources dedicated to helping local governments address climate change, part of an apparent effort by the agency to play down the threat of global warming.

A new analysis made public on Friday found that an E.P.A. website has been scrubbed of scores of links to materials to help local officials prepare for a world of rising temperatures and more severe storms.

The site, previously the E.P.A.’s “Climate and Energy Resources for State, Local and Tribal Governments” has been renamed “Energy Resources for State, Local and Tribal Governments.” About 15 mentions of the words “climate change” have been removed from the main page alone, the study found.

This wouldn’t be a bad time to re-read 1984.

As Trump’s inauguration bore down, scientists worldwide launched an effort to download climate change data from the EPA’s Website, and made arrangements to store it in Canada — because they believed it would be unsafe in the United States. It’s clear, now, that their worries were well-informed. I hope they succeeded in preserving the data.

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