Revise & Repair

Now that everybody with a mind that functions normally has figured-out that it was the NIGRA-MOOZLIM-TROTSKYITE!! in OUR WHITE HOUSE!! who had the country’s back, could we please get over our latent racism and get this health care stuff figured-out?

We do not need repeal — the Republicans’ original promise — and we do not need Repeal & Replace, the promise that took hold as the 2016 presidential campaigns got underway. We need what every grownup in the universe knew would be a recurring agenda item for 20-years after the ACA took effect: Revise and Repair. It’s a big program, and it was crazy to think it could be got right the first time; tweaking and fine-tuning were always inevitable.

Let’s get busy with that.

The Republicans will deny it, and so will the simpletons they snookered, but …

  1. The Republicans never had any plan but exploiting America’s latent racism by demonizing Obama, and …

  2. A lot of Americans are racist idiots who got played like fiddles, and …

  3. Many of them are going to die needlessly of inadequately or untreated illnesses.

The problems now in hand have been exacerbated by relentless Republican attacks, especially during the past 6-months; many of those problems should clear once Republicans commit to Revise & Repair and insurance companies have confidence that they’re not going to get a knife in the back. Some thoughts on what a sensible plan will include.

  • It became national policy during the Reagan administration that emergency care would be guaranteed to everyone; that is the reason emergency rooms are now so crowded. The mandate is, in part, an effort to force “free riders” to ante up, and some form of it ought to remain in place.

  • Pre-existing conditions must be covered, and the lifetime coverage limit must be repealed. (Disclosure: My son has a congenital heart condition, and the treatment of it has burned through about half of the former lifetime maximum before age 30.)

  • The ACA relies upon a philosophical shift in the way health care is delivered; rather than merely treating disease, the strategy focuses on preventive maintenance. That shift should remain intact.

  • However much it annoys the Pious, birth control and, when necessary, abortion, are indispensable elements of women’s health care; they should be part of all plans, without exception. Biology happens, and bodies are biological machines. That’s a fact. Grow up and get over it.

Why on earth is the ‘exceptionalist’ crowd determined to make America the only industrialized country on earth that can’t get health care right, rather than the country that makes health care best?

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