The SBC loses another member

Some of you may recall a fracas at the Southern Baptist annual meeting in Phoenix this year. Pastor Dwight McKissic had submitted a resolution condemning the alt-Right and its lunatic white supremacy, and the old white guys shot down the resolution. When some members protested, the resolution was modestly re-written and re-submitted. The revised resolution passed.

Needless to say, black SBCers haven’t forgotten the insult.

Why I’m Leaving the Southern Baptist Convention

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Today I am officially renouncing my ordination in the Southern Baptist Convention …

I don’t blame the guy, except perhaps for taking so long. The Southern Baptist Convention is racist, is hostile to the … others, does preach sedition and embrace ideas that are innately hostile to America’s founding, is deeply anti-intellectual and resolutely ignorant. Some of the farm wives make fine peach cobbler, but it isn’t worth the degradation that goes with sitting in their churches and pretending to believe the claptrap they peddle.

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