Dismal/Delusional theology-related tweet of the day

Puh-leeze! This is so egregiously nonsensical that it is painful to read.

  • The Founders were overwhelmingly Deists — not Christians.

  • I have a copy of John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion right next to my desk, and I find in the Preface, addressed to the King of France, these words:

    The characteristic of a true sovereign is, to acknowledge that, in the administration of his kingdom, he is a minister of God. He who does not make his reign subservient to the divine glory, acts the part not of a king, but a robber. He, moreover, deceives himself who anticipates long prosperity to any kingdom which is not ruled by the scepter of God, that is, by his divine word.

  • John Calvin oversaw the execution, by burning at the stake, of more than thirty heretics.

We can safely believe, I think, that John Calvin would have put the Founders to the stake — and congratulated himself for his Righteousness.

But never mind. Follow the link, where you will read this:

The 350-year marriage of Protestant Christian theology and American popular culture is over. Christianity, it may be sadly said, is no longer the preeminent social influence in American life. We Christians who dared to presume that America was ever all and only ours are, apart from some God-ordained awakening, unlikely to “get our country back.” We will live and work henceforth, as do most other Christians around the world, amidst a public square hostile to our beliefs.

Even as I applaud and freely grant that the author is uncommonly honest for a Godly man, I deny without caveat or qualification that he has any right to consider himself an American. His words betray that he knows nothing about his country, and is hostile to its ideals.

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