The highway to The Donald’s id

Trump spokespeople have been saying for the past day or so that his tweets ought not to be taken seriously. Kellyanne Conway, for instance, complained yesterday about the media’s “obsession” with Trump’s tweets.

Kellyanne Conway on Monday protested the media’s supposed “obsession” with President Trump’s tweets after his response to the London terror attack included a misleading attack on London’s mayor.

“This obsession with covering everything he says on Twitter and very little of what he does as President…” the top White House aide said during a tense interview with NBC’s “Today” show.

Kellyanne Conway, y’all will recall, tends toward “alternative facts” and led the national mourning for the Bowling Green Massacre.

Now, just like everybody else who works for Trump, the boss has chopped-down her efforts to shield him from his own gaudy stupidity.

It looks clear to me that he wants his tweets to be taken seriously.

Now, I don’t have a problem with Trump humiliating Conway. She is an odious, dishonest person who lies for money, and she deserves nothing from any decent adult but loathing and contempt; to be on even civil terms with her is to disgrace oneself.

There is no room in this administration for honest, competent professionals.

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