Tweetstorm of the day: Smell-the-desperation edition

I love that: “… lost their grip on reality” — from a man who thinks that repeating any lie loud enough and often enough will make it true.

This is all so reminiscent of the Watergate scandal — except that was ordinary humdrum corruption, rather than giving aid and comfort to one of America’s enemies — that it borders on eerie. Then, for a long while, there was only one news outlet chasing the story, the Washington Post; now, we have the Washington Post, the New York Times, and CNN. Every day there is another tidbit, and with every tidbit a couple more of his party take a step back. Every week, the basic integrity and fitness for governance of yet another of The Donald’s team is put in question. Then, Nixon routinely lashed-out at vague, mysterious forces conspiring against him — the press, the Democrats, whomever; now, Trump does the same.

Eventually, the guilty realized that their secrets were coming out and they began making deals hoping to spin the news and protect themselves; the daily drip-drip-drip became a trickle, a stream, uncontrollable cataracts. The party functionaries who had hoped to profit by turning a blind eye to Nixon’s serial indecencies began clubbing and tripping-over each other as they raced for the exits. Today, Republicans who just last week were blithely indifferent to Trump’s corruption are demanding investigations.

In the mid-70s, you had to wait till the 6:00 o’clock news, or the next morning’s newspaper, to get the latest installment; now, you get a tweet just as soon as the story moves on the wire. The pace of disintegration is a lot faster, but not the pattern.

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