Dismal theology-related tweet for the day

I know I harp on this, but Christianity’s marketing lies are so deeply embedded in our culture that it’s important to keep talking until it sinks in: Christianity is not a religion of love-love-love, and it cannot flourish where men are healthy.

There was no such thing as separation of church and state in the first century; the Jesus movement was both spiritual and political. What is more, it was a movement born in, and sustained by, the underclass — the poor, the failed, the trod-upon (a sort of paleo-populism). They turned their poverty into an ideal; remember that bit about how a camel can pass through the eye of a needle more easily than a rich man can get into heaven? They turned their necessary obsequiousness into an ideal; remember ‘Turn the other cheek?’ Passively submit to abuse?

The New Testament, the handbook, is the literature of a despised cult animated by resentment for everybody whose life wasn’t as dismal and hopeless as their own; at the bottom of Christian thought there is a world of malice.

Remember that next time you hear some idiot preacher howling that y’all are no damn good.

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