Well. What do you know? At the top of Amazon’s bestseller list sits … George Orwell’s 1984.

Misplaced allusions to 1984 — like Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged — are so common that they’re boring when not downright irritating. But: When a top aide to The Orange One speaks of ‘alternative facts,’ and the administration openly attempts to gaslight the American public by lying loudly, we are indeed in Orwell territory.

So, Goood for us! The loonies enchanted by Trump’s overt malice — I mean, ‘Telling it like it is’ — may not see it, but none of this is within the ambit of healthy governance. I say again: We are not talking about conservatives; we are talking about radical ideologues. Clearly, a decisive and growing number of Americans have sense enough to recognize that, and are thinking through the implications of it and preparing for a fight.

The American people are sound. It is going to be ugly before it’s over, but the good guys are going to prevail.

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