Bookended tweets of the day

I don’t, as the old expression goes, have a dog in this fight: I’m not a Christian, and I think Baptists are the low and cult-ish bottom of an untrue and affirmatively harmful belief system.

I do take some pleasure in noting the creeping fulfillment of a prediction that I made a long time ago: Same-sex couples are going to become theologically acceptable throughout Christianity, because the public that churches serve have (by and large) accepted same-sex couples. What is more …

  • Pastors aren’t very intelligent as a class, but neither are they suicidal. They’re going to go along and accept gay couples when their congregations do. Matthew Vines has given them all the cover they need.

  • This is going to be easier for most seminary-educated pastors than might be widely expected, because anybody who has been to a bona fide seminary knows perfectly well that the jive about ‘inerrancy’ is a marketing lie; most pastors will be relieved when their congregations stop demanding to be told that lie.

  • Except Southern Baptists, who will go down with the ship.

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