Theology-related quote for the day

Years ago I was heavily involved in politics. I soon grew weary of it all. We will fail at legislating many moral issues in the absence of an agreed upon standard of living. Besides, Christians are already looked at suspiciously since the church did not rise up against slavery and racism until more recent times. We failed miserably and our culture knows it.

The Wartburg Watch

Absolutely true, so far as it goes, but incomplete — and suggests something that isn’t true.

The churches certainly did fail to rise up against slavery and similar race evils, but that is not merely what they did; they affirmatively supported those evils, and found support for them in the Bible. It is not the case, as the remark suggests, that they merely stayed silent (as out of moral cowardice, for instance; they were the Dark Side, and the KKK was a chiefly Methodist and Baptist enterprise).

This is exactly what is playing-out in Indiana right now. Fortunately, it appears that ordinary human decency is going to prevail — against the churches, again.

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