Inerrancy: All or nothing

This is interesting: Albert the Pious upholds in todays radio broadcast something that I’ve insisted for years — Inerrancy is an all-or-nothing claim.

He [Thomas Jefferson] referred to the biblical teaching concerning the virgin birth of Christ as “artificial scaffolding” and that argument has been picked up over and over again. We have to consider the consequences of that argument. If Jesus was not born of the virgin then the Bible cannot be trusted when it comes to telling us the story of Jesus, and that mistrust cannot be limited to how he came to us in terms of the incarnation. The fact is that biblical Christianity and ultimately the gospel of Christ cannot survive the denial of the virgin birth.

What do you know? Even a stopped clock et cetera et cetera

Marketing lies inevitably fail, and ‘inerrancy,’ establishing the priests’ authority interpreting incomprehensible nonsense, is probably the greatest marketing lie of all time — and it has failed. Science has so constricted the field of operation of The Almighty that he is now no more than a bothersome carnival barker. Good riddance. The interesting question is, what Eternal Truth is going to replace Christianity’s preposterous claims?

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