Trump campaign pressing Electors

Salon reports that Electors are hearing from the Trump campaign that there will be reprisals if they decide not to vote for him on December 19th:

“We have gotten reports from multiple people,” the elector said, “that the Donald Trump campaign is putting pressure on Republican electors to vote for him based on . . . future political outcomes based on whether they vote for Donald Trump or not.” The elector emphasized that these reports had come straight from the Republican electors themselves, with the threats steering clear of violence but instead focusing on “career pressure.”

Unhappily, Salon’s source — supposedly an Elector — demanded anonymity. I don’t have any difficulty believing it, though.

Esquire’s Charles Pearce goes further:

Given what we already know about the predilections of hackers from the land of the Rus, I’m wondering if there aren’t other forms of pressure available to the Trump forces beyond the ability to disinvite people from the Mason County Republican Pig Roast next summer. At this point, nothing really would surprise me.

Stolen photo- and financial-files to keep everyone in line? I guess I wouldn’t be surprised, either.

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