Here in the Bible Belt …

OK, for starters, a factoid you can (but probably shouldn’t) dredge-up at the next family gathering: It was the great, one-of-a-kind H.L. Mencken who coined the expression ‘Bible Belt.’ His first attempt at disparaging the south was ‘hookworm belt,’ but it didn’t stick. You will understand what made me think of that in just a moment.

I give you, courtesy of Mother Jones, a state-by-state breakdown of the things for which your fellow citizens will be giving thanks next Thursday:

In my home state of Michigan, people are grateful to have … electricity. If that seems a bit prosaic, a bit 3rd-worldish, well … Detroit. I guess we just have to hope the power stays on till the turkey is done.

And here across the Bible Belt? Salvation. God’s Word. God’s Forgiveness. Mercy. The Faith. That’s no surprise, really; these folk take seriously the Holy Men’s howls and bellows that they are no damn good, and they have all the character and social problems that go with it.

Honestly, the one that got my attention, the one that really lifted my eyebrows, is Virginia. Up in the Olde Dominion, the Mother of Presidents is thankful — get ready — for YouTube.

It may be time to pull the trigger and tell Dawn we’re going to the U.P.

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