
  • People such as Albert Mohler and Russell Moore were publicly discussing the eventual social consequences of well-documented evangelical support for Donald Trump as early as last February — before Super Tuesday and a time when there were lots of choices for conservative voters. That is, Trump’s swagger and braggadocio and overt malice had got evangelicals in his pocket very early on. They stayed there, too, through months of execrable conduct and a thoroughgoing absence of anything remotely approximating plans or policies.

    In the event, evangelicals comprised 27% of the voters on Tuesday, and 81% of them voted for Trump. He got more support from evangelicals than either George W. Bush or Mitt Romney. It is a rock-solid fact: Evangelicals made Trump the Republican nominee, and they carried him across the finish line on Tuesday.

    Trump protestors ought to be standing in front of churches; that’s where the sickness was nourished until it could flower.

  • If evangelicals are so concerned with ‘religious freedom,’ why did 81% of them vote for a man who promises a religious test as a condition of admission to the United States?

    Never mind; we all know the answer to that one.

  • How could anybody have watched the almost nightly, and barely contained, violence associated with Trump’s rallies and not known that his victory would green-light the darkness of the KKK, neo-Nazism, nihilistic white trash? Are that many of my fellow citizens actually that stupid and short-sighted, or did some subterranean part of them want — albeit at arms length, like cowards — the ugliness now growing and intensifying across the country?

    I honestly don’t know. But the universal failure of evangelical and alt-right leadership to utter a single public word of reproach suggests — yeah, the sumbidg’s are getting exactly what they wanted.

    I don’t blame Muslims, or women building careers, or gays, or ethnic and racial minorities, for their uneasiness about the future. For that matter, neither do I blame anybody at all for wondering if the country is going to become a fascist madhouse; everything needed is in place.

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