Hatmaker pulled from Lifeway shelves

Lifeway, the Southern Baptist bookstore, has pulled author Jen Hatmaker’s books from their shelves in response to her support for same-sex marriage.

LifeWay Christian Resources decided to stop distributing the books of best-selling Christian author Jen Hatmaker due to the comments she made in support of same-sex marriage.

“In the past, LifeWay Christian Resources published several resources with Jen Hatmaker. In a recent interview, she voiced significant changes in her theology of human sexuality and the meaning and definition of marriage — changes which contradict LifeWay’s doctrinal guidelines,” said LifeWay spokesman Marty King in an interview with Baptist Press.

Well … ho-hum. It is the SBC’s store, the SBC’s club, et cetera, et cetera. It’s worthwhile, though, to take a moment to understand why they are so immovable on this issue.

Though they will swear up and down that it isn’t so, and will never admit the contrary in a million years, the bottom-line here is that Southern Baptists don’t believe in marriage at all. What the Southern Baptists believe in is animal husbandry, in a cosmic grant of permission to procreate. They affirmatively condemn the mutual loyalty and shared ambitions that make a relationship a marriage, because those are presumptions upon the absolute sovereignty of Our Invisible Friend, who alone is worthy of your loyalty and who will tell you what are your ambitions. The Southern Baptists have degenerated into a cult, and they literally cannot comprehend a life that isn’t concerned with the cult’s perpetuation.

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