If you live in the city, chances are …

… that ambient light has prevented you from ever seeing the Milky Way galaxy. According to NASA, you’re missing-out on viewing 1,999,999,999,999 other galaxies, too.

The universe suddenly looks a lot more crowded, thanks to a deep-sky census assembled from surveys taken by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope and other observatories.

Astronomers came to the surprising conclusion that there are at least 10 times more galaxies in the observable universe than previously thought.

And, since each galaxy is comprised of billions of stars, many of them with a solar system of planets orbiting around them, the likelihood that there is other life “out there” is far greater than previously imagined.

It isn’t very likely that we’ll ever meet our neighbors, but it is very near to a statistical certainty that we are not alone. I wonder if they, too, believe that the Creator of the Whole Big Universe is intimately concerned with their sex lives?

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