You-read-it-here-first department

The New York Times takes-up the danger of Trump’s maddened nutcases after they’re defeated in November, something I remarked upon here.

If the prospect of a Republican base energized by victory is frightening, then imagine — if you can — what they are going to be like when they are enraged and humiliated by a broad defeat.

The NYT:

A wounded bear is a dangerous thing.

[ … ]

Now, in the final days of a horrid campaign, an unshackled Trump is more national threat than punch line. He’s determined to cause lasting damage.

But those who take pleasure in watching Trump destroy the Republican Party are missing the bigger picture. He’s trying to destroy the country, as well. Civility, always a tenuous thing, cannot be quickly restored in a society that has learned to hate in public, at full throttle.

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