Trump and the evangelicals, again

Although some evangelicals have admitted Trump lost the debate, I have not heard a direct condemnation of him over his disrespect for women. I have to believe when many evangelical women enter that voting booth, they will remember what he said and how he bullied and demeaned women. Closer to home, evangelical men should worry that evangelical women will remember that their men said nothing about it.

Warren Throckmorton

Good luck with that.

The gospel of the lowly, lowers.

Friedrich Nietzsche, The Antichrist, §43

Think about all the times you’ve heard some preacher howl and bellow that the good is the elimination of your self-interest and self-direction, the elimination of your self because your self is no damn good.

Think about it carefully — really think — and you’ll realize that you’ve never sat through a sermon in your life without hearing it. The aim of all Christian teaching is self-annihilation; the marketing lies can hide it from the obtuse, but that teaching cannot be removed. To think that women raised in that teaching will resist Trump’s degradation of them, or that the men in their life will show any backbone on their behalf, is fanciful. More likely, they’re patting themselves on the back for submitting to it.

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