Wasted opportunities

With all his advantages, Jerry Falwell, Jr., has grown-up to be an idiot. Now, he is peddling the idea that The Donald is a contemporary — get ready — Winston Churchill.

The policies of Obama and Clinton have made the world unstable and unsafe and created a world stage eerily similar to that of the late 1930s. We could be on the precipice of international conflict like nothing we have seen since World War II. Obama and Clinton are the Neville Chamberlains of our time. The deal to make $150 billion available to Iran, the leading state sponsor of terrorism in the world and a nation committed to the destruction of Israel, clearing the way for Iran to become a nuclear power, reminds me of Chamberlain’s deal with Hitler in 1938, when the British prime minister declared “peace for our time.”

Never mind that the experts, the people who have done the hard work of mastering the issues, are unanimous that the deal makes it more difficult for Iran to become a nuclear power. The unhappy truth is that the loony right is so sick with hatred of everybody who isn’t just like themselves that they can’t think straight.

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