Paganism at CERN

Well. It seems that some scientists at CERN — that bunch who recently confirmed the existence of the Higgs Boson, the so-called God Particle, thereby undoing the Cosmological, or First Cause, argument for the existence of Our Invisible Friend — staged a mock, Blair Witch Project-like sacrifice of a female co-worker (Strong language: NSFW).

“These scenes were filmed on our premises but without official permission or knowledge,” a Cern spokeswoman told Agence France-Presse in an email.

“Cern does not condone this type of spoof, which can give rise to misunderstandings about the scientific nature of our work.”

So a bunch of physicists were probably sitting in some bar and decided it would be fun to mock the Godly folk who are still baffled that Noah’s Ark has never been found.

Tasteless? I suppose. I don’t mind admitting, though, that I probably would have participated if I’d been there and had the opportunity, and freely told the story afterward.

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